A small interrogation scene on Unity as an experiment for USC Games class. Created with ChatGPT API and Oculus Voice SDK to create text-to-speech and speech-to-text.
Game designer and engineer in love with creating emotional stories. Founder and developer of award-winning arkde.com.
Whimsical 3D puzzle-platformer about sisterhood. Developed a Ground Pound mechanic, and a robust dialogue system with tools empowering gameplay and cinematics.
2D atmospheric underwater stealth game. Designed and developed main systems and tools. From character movement, enemy AI and level progression, to cinematics, and gamefeel.
Worked on complete virtual production pipeline to create previs. From motion and face capture with Motive and Motion Builder to cinematics in Unreal Engine with Meta Humans.
Created an award-winning eLearning platform educating 1.3K+ Latinos in game development and digital art, producing 120+ hours of content with multiple instructors.
Founded Colombia’s first game development bootcamp, led a company providing workshops, and scholarships, and taught game programming at multiple universities.
A small interrogation scene on Unity as an experiment for USC Games class. Created with ChatGPT API and Oculus Voice SDK to create text-to-speech and speech-to-text.